Obsolescence management

A sample page description

In the last two decades rolling stock is more and more equipped with electronic systems and components. At the same time the electronic technology developed in a very high pace.

This has led to a very rapid aging of systems and components. Creating multiple obsolescence issues when  one or more components need to be replaced.

Are you experiencing this as well, and finding it hard to replace the components against fair price and delivery times fitting your operating schedule?

We have a large network and can assist you by finding the original component supplier, arranging fair prices and delivery times that suit your needs. Most organisation are not looking for more suppliers, we can serve you by having contracts with the supplier to have parts overhauled or buy new parts. We are a mean and lean organisation creating value for you and ease your obsolescence issues.

If you want to know what we can do for you, do not hesitate, just contact us.

We do what we promise and we promise what we do